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Skidmore College
Dance Department

2019-2020 Guest Artists

Caitlin Trainor

Caitlin Trainor, Spring 2020 Guest Artist:

就像身体不能与头脑分开一样,思想也不能与情感分开. 我相信,当学生参与一个整体的过程时,学习是最佳的, into which thought, feeling and experience are dynamically integrated.

我在课堂上的第一个目标是建立一种安全和相互尊重的文化, 学生可以自由地进行实验和冒险,并鼓励他们工作 with integrity and pleasure. I then present progressively challenging material based upon learning objectives, providing tools and guidance for success. My methodology 包括准备和自发相结合,差异化教学, and multi-sensory cues. In a dance practice class, for example, I will provide biomechanical 信息,演唱节奏,进行清晰的视觉演示,并提示学生 to feel the sensation of effective execution. Humor, tenacity, flow, clarity, and enthusiasm are characteristics of my teaching style.
基于学生通过体验和发现学得最好的信念,我的 classroom is dynamic and action-oriented. In a composition class, this means that 学生们将花更多的时间去创造而不是批评,而这种分析仍然存在 secondary to engaging directly with the work at hand. In a movement class, language 被用作连接具体知识的工具,并鼓励学生 process ideas physically. In order for true learning to take place, the freedom to fail is necessary. Students are therefore encouraged to experiment, and then integrate 成功的想法通过反思、实践、讨论, creation and writing.

Jeanne BrescianiJeanne Bresciani, Artistic Director of the Isadora Duncan International Institute

Jeanne Bresciani, has a Ph.D. from NYU, a Skidmore College alumna, and recipient of the Skidmore College 1989 Distinguished Achievement Award. She is one of “the foremost “邓肯舞蹈的阐释者”,“运动中的神”和“邓肯的守护者” flame.” She combines the Isadora Duncan theatrical lineage: directly from Maria-Theresa Duncan; that of Anna and Irma Duncan indirectly from Hortense Kooluris and Julia Levien; 以及伊丽莎白·邓肯在童年和成年时期的教学传承 internship with Anita Zahn. Bresciani is recognized internationally as a solo artist, educator and Duncan scholar. She is Artistic Director of the Isadora Duncan International Institute (IDII). She was a former Faculty at NYU, presented at Lincoln Center, The British Museum, 奥运会、考古遗址、宫殿、舞台和全球的大学. 她的影响力包括开发了第一个经认证的邓肯培训项目 在美国,亚洲和欧洲以及西方伟大节日的复兴,包括 the Delphic Games of Greece; and in Italy within the ongoing development of Carnevale di Venezia.

10 Hairy Legs

10 Hairy Legs是一家男性剧目公司,提供了一个体验广泛舞蹈的镜头. 因其积极委托新作品和大师策展而广受赞誉 works, they have served more than 85,000 patrons, students, artists and educators since their founding in 2012, nationally and internationally. Dance Education is an 这是他们使命的重要组成部分,我们为所有年龄段的人提供广泛的项目 通过舞蹈表达了男性的许多方面,超过2500个 students and educators each year. Our work features musicians/composers Tigger Benford, Sarah Biber, Jane Chung, Lachlan Glen, Kyle Olson, Robert Maggio, Roarke Menzies, Ofer Pelz, Bryan Strimpel, Michael Wall, Dorian Wallace and Peter Whitehead; and designers 亚伯拉罕·克鲁兹,瓦娜·博特斯,辛迪·卡普拉罗,莎拉·迪克森,本杰明·海勒,杰森·弗拉莫斯, 约翰·拉西特,娜奥米·卢佩斯库,玛丽·柯基·麦克诺格,丹尼斯·奥利耶·古洛,劳伦·帕里什, Amanda Ringger, Eric Mark Rodrigues, Amanda Shafran, Ken Tabatchnik, Olivier Theyskens, Asa Thornton and Tuce Yasak. In addition to their work with 10 Hairy Legs, our company 成员目前是Bang Group, Stephen Petronio Company的特色艺术家 and Zvi Dance, among others.

Sidra BellSidra Bell 在耶鲁大学获得历史学士学位,在Purchase College Conservatory of Dance. She is currently an adjunct professor at Barnard College (Columbia University).

她的作品在美国和国际上的许多首演场地都能看到 in Denmark, Austria, Germany, Canada, Aruba, Spain, France, Brazil, and Greece. Bell has been commissioned for many special projects nationally and internationally. A solo work, Conductivity曾获国际独舞-坦兹戏剧节表演二等奖 2009年在德国斯图加特举行,随后在希腊和部分德国城市巡回演出. 她被邀请回到斯图加特参加2011年的独舞-坦兹戏剧节 solo Grief Point. where she received First Prize for Choreography and her dancer, Moo Kim, received First Prize for Performance. Grief Point. toured Germany and Brazil in 2011/2012.

Sidra是一位广受欢迎的大师老师,并教授了她独特的创作方法 过程,即兴创作和技术在许多著名机构的当代系统 for dance and theater throughout the United States and in Canada.

Jade Solomon CurtisJade Solomon Curtis 是一位融合了古典和非裔美国人的舞蹈艺术家和编舞家 vernacular movements with mixed-media and Hip-Hop culture. Through the lens of a contemporary 黑人女性,柯蒂斯的作品思考传统和再造,社会正义,社会 结构以及直觉和逻辑——经常导致对传统观念的颠覆 idea. She is the founder of Solo Magic, a non-profit arts initiative collaborating with innovative artists to create socially relevant performances.  Curtis is a 2018 艺术家信托研究员,2017年南卡罗来纳大学就职访问研究员. She received the 2017 Seattle Office of Arts & Culture CityArts Project Award, and the 2017 4Culture Artist Project Award. Her work has received support from the Bossak-Heilbron Charitable Foundation, Seattle Office of Arts & Culture, Artist Trust (GAP Grant), Central District Forum for Art & Ideas (Showing Out: Seattle Black Choreographers), and 4Culture (Tech Specific Grant). Curtis is a 2017 Velocity Dance Center artist-in-residence and a 2018 Base Experimental + Art artist-in-residence. In March 2019, she was an artist-in-residence at SLIPPAGE Lab at Duke University.  A celebrated soloist of Donald 在伯德的光谱舞蹈剧院演出了四季,柯蒂斯获得了艾美奖 short film, Jade Solomon Curtis directed by Ralph Bevins.

Colby DamonColby Damon 出生并成长在弗吉尼亚州的里士满,并在里士满接受了早期的舞蹈训练 Ballet, Boston Ballet, and Virginia School of the Arts. He has danced professionally 为萨克拉门托芭蕾舞团,大都会歌剧院芭蕾舞团,马克莫里斯舞蹈团,西北 Dance Project, and BalletX among others. As a choreographer, he has worked with BalletX, 萨克拉门托芭蕾舞团,宾夕法尼亚第二芭蕾舞团,纳什维尔第二芭蕾舞团,西部芭蕾舞学院, 布林莫尔学院和德萨莱斯大学等,他的工作已经完成 at festivals in Brazil, Mexico, Bermuda, and New York City. He is currently on faculty 在洛克舞蹈教育学校,艺术大学和芭蕾舞学院 addition to working as a freelance choreographer and performer.

Jim SelfJim Self an Alabama native, works in painting, performance, writing, and installation. His dancing career began in 1972 with the Chicago Dance Troupe. He first taught dance 是芝加哥哥伦比亚学院的教授,也是morning Performance Collection的创始人之一, and later started Self Performing ARTs, Inc. After moving to NYC in 1976, he joined the Merce Cunningham Dance Company. During the 1980’s, he choreographed and performed 与罗伯特·威尔逊/伯德·霍夫曼伯兹学校合作,成立了吉姆巡演公司 并与弗兰克·摩尔合作,凭借电影《火博体育》获得1985年的“贝西奖” 芭蕾舞描绘了一只工蜂和一架无人机的故事,以及它们的动画 cartooned/ mutated / interspecies life. A member of the dance faculty at Cornell University from 1989- 2014, he taught a wide spectrum of classes. In 1996 he received a BA in ‘Ritual and Performance.’ During this period he created Dancing Iguana Consciousness, 达达艺术吠叫,布达童话,并在纽约举办了第一个同性恋婚礼 Lincoln Center (Getting Married— 1990). But perhaps most significantly, he created 一系列由“通灵”动物精神女神指导的治疗仪式 shamanatrix, Ramona Wolf. Since 2007, Self has been a member of The New York State DanceForce, a consortium of artists, presenters and activists. From 2012 – 2014, Self 他在洛杉矶西区艺术中心1019号有一个工作室,在那里他创作了《火博体育官网》 From Above, a rooftop performance project for planes approaching LAX airport. Currently, 他继续在纽约北部生活和工作,同时创作表演和 other collaborative projects, including a new series of performed memoirs.